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5 week wait for first eye injection

How do others feel about this length wait? It scares me. Very new to Wet MD. A sudden bleed with blurred vision a week ago is now diagnosed and an NHS hospital appointment for the first injection has come through for late next month

  1. I had that happen to me just a couple of weeks ago. I noticed blurred vision and a light gray smallish shadow in eye with dry macular degeneration. I went to my Retinal Specialist in Sydney about 5 days after I noticed it. This is in the private system. He gave me my first I injection at that appointment, after the tests. It had changed to wet. I am hundreds of dollars out of pocket even with private insurance. I'm glad I didn't have to wait any longer, but I didn't get to ask him what would have happened if I did. Is there any chance you could move your appointment forward? Wendy, Patient Leader.

    1. Brown Eyed Girl
      Thank you for responding. I haven't posted before. I'm sorry to hear you've had the same and I really hope the injections have helped. The consultant tried and failed to get me in sometime this week. Here in the UK (Wales) a 5 wk delay seems widespread. Private healthcare is so tough financially isn't it?

      1. yes. My private health care insurance is very expensive, and it doesn't cover everything. But it gets me in the door! I've only had the one injection so far, so we'll see how it goes. Please keep us informed. I'm glad you found this community. It is very supportive and informative. Warmly, Wendy, Patient Leader.

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