One Day at A Time

I am 72. I was diagnosed almost four years ago with wet AMD in my right eye. I had gone to my regular eye doctor after noticing strange, gray blobs in my vision, worse than floaters. She sent me to a retina specialist and the same day I started treatments, which were injections of Eyelea.

Treatment coverage

I had to make the decision on the spot which was a good thing because had I given myself time to think about it I probably would have delayed. I hate needles and who wants to get poked in the eye? At the time I had no Medicare or other health insurance. The clinic thankfully had a program for low-income people like me, and for the first year, the treatments were covered.

I then got on the ball and applied for SSI; now I have Medicaid and Medicare also. I live two hours from the clinic and rely on my daughter-in-law to take me. I go every 8 weeks now. I had stretched out to 12 but after cataract surgery, the doctor determined an 8-week span, just be extra careful.

Family members with AMD

My dad had wet AMD in his later years and it was so sad to watch how it changed his life. He had to quit driving, watching television and he could not see people's faces. His great joy was to listen to books on tape. I can still picture him sitting on the couch with his tape player on his lap and his headphones on. I thank God for that service. Looking back I think Dad probably had the AMD long before he got diagnosed. I am not sure if the treatments were that common back in the day. His father, my grandfather suffered from wet AMD as well.

Diagnosis leading to healthier lifestyle

So yes, I was scared when I got the diagnosis. I am also thankful I am able to get treatments. Having this condition has helped me to appreciate life and treasure the people that I love and that love me. It has forced me to take care of my overall wellness such as a good diet, fresh air, and exercise.

It is humbling to know that I may really need help someday if I reach the point of not being able to read or drive. I hope it does not come to that. The treatment so far works, meaning my eye has established and is not getting worse. The fear is that the good eye (in which I have dry AMD) will develop into the wet kind and if that happens I will be in trouble. As of this writing, I can still read, drive, and watch movies so I feel blessed.

One thing that has helped are the words a wise person once told me: to live one day at a time.

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