Up Close & Personal: An Interview With Lois Vining

Lois Vining is a resident in a 55+ active adult community in Fishers, Indiana. She keeps busy in the community, which includes playing water volleyball. Her upbeat attitude leaves no room for pessimism regarding her required regiment of eye injections.

Although Lois does not have macular degeneration, she has many similar challenges that she monitors with an eye specialist. Learning about other eye conditions with similar challenges is both helpful and inspiring. Lois shares her optimism in this brief video interview.

'Up Close & Personal' is a video series hosted by Linda Hoopes, Patient Leader and Team Member with maculardegeneration.net. In the series, Linda interviews people living with macular degeneration(AMD). Each person interviewed has a unique story to tell and joins Linda in “paying it forward” to inspire and encourage others with AMD. Stay tuned for future video interviews.

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