Wet MD Diagnosis & Treatment Update

I finally had my 6-week follow-up appointment. My retina specialist wanted me to see another doctor as I was still having the same problem with intense pain after the numbness wore off. That was Tuesday of this week, so I went back yesterday and saw a different doc.

We talked about my problem, and he said he was sure it was the betadine that was causing the pain. I argued with him and told him the other RS had followed exactly what he was going to do etc., which is using a tiny drop of betadine to the eye.

I was very skeptical, to say the least. I went along with what he wanted to do and honestly, a miracle happened. I had considerably less pain and today my eye is not as bloodshot, and my face isn't all red!

Guess I will stick to the new doctor!! I am so relieved!

Instead of Avastin, the last three injections counting yesterday were Eylea and there has been considerable improvement, I am happy to say. I will be going back in eight weeks.

Sharon Hume

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