Macular Degeneration Progression

My eye doctor recognized drusen or aging spots in my eyes when I was about 60. He sent me to an ophthalmologist who knew about the research that led to Preservision. That specialist prescribed me a mix of vitamins, etc. that was already showing results in slowing dry AMD in a significant number of people that helped them avoid Wet-AMD for a number of years.

Noticed a change in vision

About 10 years after my dry AMD diagnosis, I noticed a marked decrease in the sharpness of my vision and went right to my eye specialist. He diagnosed wet AMD with no hope other than slowing my path to legal blindness, even though peripheral vision would likely remain to some degree.

Fortunately, the cold laser machine was broken before I was to have my first treatment. Fortuitously, that delay let me still meet the criteria for a just-announced Lucentis study seeking patients.

I still see well in both eyes

I fit the criteria and had three injections in my right eye in 3 months. And what had been legal blindness of something like 20/200+ turned to about 20/35 or better. Last Friday, I received about my 150th injection; and I still see well in both eyes, but better in my left, untreated eye.

From age 69 to 85, my vision and productive lifestyle have found rescue in Lucentis and with a few anti-VEGF injections of another brand. I'm grateful--and also faithful to stay with my injections.

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