A series of four leaf clovers. The one in the middle has eyes.

Haven't I Been Lucky?

When I was diagnosed in 2019, the word "lucky" never entered my mind. I am sure my first thoughts were, “Why me” and “Now what”, among other seemingly other doomsday phrases. I am definitely sure I did not utter the words LUCKY on that day.

I am always reading

Recently I was reading an article posted in The Macular Society. This is a publication I receive via email, a charity based out of the UK for anyone affected by central vision loss. One particle article stood out for me that day.1

The basis of this article circled around the diagnosis of a woman, age 99 by the name of Margaret. Her daughter, Ann, was with her on this day. Seems when her mother received her diagnosis from her specialist, she had some amazing words of wisdom (in my opinion).1

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This insightful woman stated “Oh dear, that’s a pity but I’ve been able to see all these years. Some people never see, so haven’t I been lucky.”1

Making it real

Reading those words almost took my breath away. Here was a diagnosis with no promise of a cure, ever. A person’s vision is slowly fading away, robbing a person of their clear view of the world. There was no lamenting of the tragedy, no tears of self-pity, no thoughts of why me... Instead, this person did something better.

Hearing the diagnosis offered her a moment of self-reflection. Her statement was of ultimate gratitude for what she had had in her life. The opportunity to have seen her world, been able to view the things around her. She was very grateful for those times that she was able to see and gaze on what was all around her.


The reality stated is that there are some people who have never had the opportunity to see anything. They have never visually seen the world around them.

The definition of the word blindness, as stated in the Oxford Languages is as follows: the state or condition of being unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition. Those words alone are a finite, nothing in between, nothing seen, ever.


I have kept that quote, I look at it often. As I reflect on those words, they actually make me very happy. What an amazing world I have seen. I treasure each snapshot of my life that I carry with me.

Family times growing up with 3 sisters and wonderful parents fill my memory’s photo album. My wedding day 37 years ago and each one of our children being born, growing up and becoming some pretty amazing people, all of this I treasure. We have been blessed with our 3 precious grandchildren (so far), their little faces imprinted in my brain.

Yes, myopic macular degeneration is not pleasant, it's like a thief in the night, robbing me of present views around me. I am grateful for what I do have and will always treasure what I have seen.

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