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Fine Print

I have been living with myopic macular degeneration (MMD) since March of 2019. The moment I noticed the wavy door frames and blotchy and blurry vision is when this journey began.

Seeing well has always been a challenge for me. This latest malady of myopic macular degeneration was just one more step on my "seeing journey."

Each year brought a stronger glasses prescription

The first pair of glasses for me was back when I was in elementary school, the first grade. I remember being teased about my new glasses and wishing I didn't have to have them.

Those were the first of many glasses over the years. At each year’s eye appointment, there would be an increase in prescription strength. Eventually I had glasses with lenses that were easily comparable to "coke-bottle lenses." All this to say, my vision was bad.

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Cataracts in my 40s

I eventually graduated to contact lenses and loved the freedom I felt with them. I had about 20 good years with them; then the cataracts were diagnosed.

I was in my 40s, relatively young. But I had them, had the procedures done, and lived a life of no glasses for about 2 years.

Well, then reading glasses were needed for close-up work. Eventually I got glasses again. These new glasses were so much better than before; no more super-thick lenses for me.

Researching a new diagnosis

Another 20 years went by, and yet one more eye challenge appeared. Myopic macular degeneration: new words in my vocabulary. Very quickly, I researched and scheduled the retina specialist appointment. I learned quickly that eye injections are a good thing (scary at best), and my bleeds have been controlled since the spring of 2021.

Learning along the way

As with most journeys, you learn a lot along the way. With MMD, I have learned that night driving is not a good place for me to be. I know that bright lights are the best to be able to see well. I know that at times I need to tilt my head and adjust my view to really see what is to be seen. I am thankful that only 1 eye is currently affected, making the "good eye" work overtime.

Struggling to read the fine print

I have also discovered a negative outlook on my vision life these days. I am continually annoyed by printed words on colorful paper or print. This combination ensures that I cannot read what is written in this area. I am also deeply bothered by text written in "fine print." I find nothing "fine" about printed text that is so ridiculously small that there is no way it can be read.

I struggle in environments that are dark. With the intent being the "spirit of ambiance," I honestly cannot see well enough to navigate my way around. Establishments that have windows all around are difficult too. The bright outside obscures my view of anyone sitting across a table from me.

Trying to think positively

I think this list could go on and on. I try not to focus on the negatives of my MMD world and try to put a positive spin on all I do.

Treatment results and side effects can vary from person to person. This treatment information is not meant to replace professional medical advice. Talk to your doctor about what to expect before starting and while taking any treatment.
This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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