Do What You Do Well, A Reflection on Ernest Tubb
I love to listen to music, of almost any kind, except for rap. But mostly, I prefer music with a gentle story, a message, catchy tune, and intriguing harmony. County songs grab me by the ear the most, and if I am being honest, the older the song, the better. Just the other day I heard this tune by Ernest Tubb from 1965: “Do What You Do Well."
What's the message?
As most songs of the country genre do, this one has a message to convey. The words of the song take you through a young boy’s life, always watching, observing the lives that his parents are living. Showing the love that they have for each other, giving him an example of how to grow through his own life.
The theme is simple: constantly giving love to those around you, the best way you know how. Through the parents’ example, sharing from the heart to never quit striving for the best that life has to give you. Even in times of uncertain struggles, sadness, or loss, keep showing the truth of each moment. Never forget to show this tenderness and love to those around you, no matter how difficult it may seem.
Hearing the words to this song really spoke to me on that day. It helped me remove the “what ifs” from my mind, and paused the feeling of discouragement, fear, or disappointment as once simple tasks became challenges. It made me forget, even for a moment, the feeling of wanting to stomp my feet in frustration, to just give up and quit trying so hard.
The words reminded me that, to never let the day-to-day trials overwhelm me, and to avoid sinking into a swamp of self-pity.
Taking a different appraoch
So, after I heard this song, I took a different approach to my day. I realized that even though I was not capable of seeing like the “old” me did, the current me had better wake up and appreciate what I could see, for as long as I could see it. As the late Mr. Tubb sang,
“Do what you do, do well, boy.
Do what you do, do well
Give your love and all of your heart
And do what you do, do well."
Providing me a challenge
These words have given me a new challenge to face head-on: look for the positive in any way that I can, use all the resources available, and move forward.
These days, I like to think that these words sang by Mr. Ernest Tubb those many years ago have a slightly different message for me than for most folks. The message: To always give my all, to the best of my ability, degeneration or no.
Striving despite the obstacles
I need to always strive for new and better ways to accomplish what tasks I may have at hand, despite my obstacles or setback. No matter what, always put forth the utmost effort to accomplish what I set out to do.
At the end of the day, whether in an old country song or in a retired writer’s home, a person cannot really ask for anything more.
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