Testing and Diagnosis

Reviewed by: HU Medical Review Board | Last reviewed: August 2024 | Last updated: August 2024

There are several tests that eye doctors (optometrists or ophthalmologists) can use to diagnose macular degeneration. Generally, testing for macular degeneration is simple and quick. Many of the tests take only 15 to 20 minutes.1

Your doctor may want to test you for macular degeneration if you:2

  • Are 55 years or older
  • Have a family history of macular degeneration
  • Are a smoker

People who fit in these groups are more at risk for developing macular degeneration. You may not be experiencing symptoms yet, especially if the disease is in early stages.2

You can get tested for macular degeneration during a routine eye exam. Doctors usually recommend you have regular eye exams so that macular degeneration can be caught early.2

How do vision tests diagnose macular degeneration?

To find out whether you have macular degeneration, doctors will do vision tests to measure how well you see and look for any changes in your eyes. By looking closely inside your eyes, they can figure out whether you have an eye problem and how it can be treated.2

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Types of vision tests for macular degeneration

There are a few vision tests that doctors may use to help diagnose macular degeneration.1-5

Dilated eye exam

A doctor can usually see the first signs of macular degeneration during a dilated eye exam. Dilated eye exams are routine tests that can help check for eye disease early on.3

During the test, your doctor will put drops in your eye that will dilate (widen) your pupil. This allows light into your eye so your doctor can look inside of the eye to check for signs of macular degeneration or other eye problems.3

Visual acuity test

A visual acuity test is a standard eye chart exam. It measures how well you can see from a certain distance. Typically, the doctor will have you read a chart of letters, numbers, or symbols that vary in size. They usually have you cover one of your eyes while you read, but they may also ask you to read without covering either eye.4

Visual field testing

Visual field testing can help your doctor see how wide of an area you are able to see when you focus on something. This test determines whether or not you have any blind spots in your vision called scotoma.5

During this test, one of your eyes will be covered while the other eye focuses on an object in your peripheral (side) vision. For instance, the doctor may hold up a certain number of fingers in your peripheral vision field and ask you how many you can see.5

Amsler grid

Visual field testing also can be done with an Amsler grid test. During this test, you will look at a grid and focus on a dot in the middle of the grid. You will then tell the doctor if there are any areas of the grid that look wavy, blurry, or blank.5

Fluorescein angiogram

During a fluorescein angiogram, your doctor will inject a fluorescent dye into a vein in your arm or hand. Then, they will take photos of your eye to look at the blood flow. This can show whether any blood vessels are leaking or blocked.1,2

If blood is leaking from a blood vessel, this may be a sign of wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Wet AMD is a type of eye disorder that occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow in the back of the eye and damage it.1,2

OCT scan

OCT, or optical coherence tomography, is a test that uses light to take pictures of the inside of your eye. The doctor will dilate your eyes with eye drops and use a specific machine to shine a light at your eyes. This will help them look at the retina and other parts of the eye to see whether there are any changes or abnormalities. The test only takes about 15 minutes.1,3

Overall, your doctor may want to perform 1 or more tests for macular degeneration. You should have routine eye exams because it is important to diagnose macular degeneration early. Talk to your doctor about how often you should get eye exams.