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If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?

If you could go back in time or talk to a younger version of yourself, what would you say? What advice would you give to the younger you about coping with macular degeneration and vision loss?

  1. If I could go back in time, now knowing so much more about AMD, I would be protecting my eyes; wearing my dark glasses would be a priority.

    1. yes, I agree. Sunglasses are a priority. I bought my grandsons a good pair each, and I hope they are wearing them. How are you going with your sight? Wendy, Patient Leader.

  2. I would wear sunglasses and not cheap ones!

    1. Be aware... Remember what you see to form a treasury for the future. My vision, which was exceptionally good, was, maybe, taken too much for granted.
      Yes, a good diet, suitable sunglasses are extremely important but work with your brain and memory ..

      1. I think perhaps we all take our vision for granted until we start losing it. I love the thoughts you shared about our memories being a treasure in a future when our vision is dimmed. Do you have wet or dry macular degeneration? Warmly, Sharon Moore patient leader

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